Why Is Tracking Your Basal Body Temperature Important?

Tracking your basal body temperature(BBT) is one of my favorite tools to use for the fertility awareness method. Cervical mucus is what we use to know when you have entered your fertile window but BBT is what is used to confirm ovulation has happened. 

During your cycle, you have two main phases, the follicular phase which is from day 1 of your menstruation to ovulation. Phase 2 is the day after ovulation to the end of your cycle. 

During the follicular phase, your BBT will be lower during your follicular phase and higher in your luteal phase as seen in the chart to the right. To confirm ovulation has occurred, there needs to be a temperature shift of at least .1 degree and there needs to be 3 consecutive temps(days) that are higher than the 6 previous. In the chart to the right we see lower temps then a spike up, after the first 3 temperatures after the spike we could confirm ovulation has occurred. In this chart, ovulation would have occurred on day 13. 

BBT will remain high throughout your luteal phase. If you are pregnant it will continue to stay high into your first trimester and if you aren’t then your temperatures will begin dropping right before your period begins. 

What are some ways to track BBT?

Basal Body Thermometer

A basal body thermometer is an inexpensive option to start tracking your temperature.
Some tips for use:
* Take it first thing in the morning, before you get out of bed.
*Try and take it around the same time each day.
*Warm the thermometer in your mouth for 10 minutes before taking your temperature.

These will ensure you have the most accurate results. Record your temperature each day on a fertility chart.

temp drop


Tempdrop is a device that you wear on your arm at night that tracks your core temperature. It works for people who have disturbed sleep if you are considering a method if you are newly postpartum. It also works for someone with irregular cycles, if you have PCOS.
You wear it throughout the night and in the morning, you remove the sensor, push the button on the tear drop and it connects to your app through blue tooth, uploading your information. The app is also very informative and as tempdrop learns your cycle and temperature ranges, it will provide cycle predictions.

I have one and LOVE it, I used to hate having to take my temperature manually and this just made it all so much easier.

Tempdrop is having a 20% off anniversary sale right now. Combine that with my additional 10% off link if you are interested.


Tracking my BBT while I have been avoiding pregnancy has been huge and it has helped me confirm that I have ovulated and that my fertile window is over and I can safely resume sex whenever I want for the rest of my cycle without the worry of getting pregnant. 

It was also hugely beneficial when I was trying to conceive as it provided me with the information that I did ovulate. 

I hope this has been helpful information!   

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment, connect over instagram or send an email!